Spring Python?

Recently, I was watching a very nice overview of integrating your project with Neo4j, MariaDB, and MongoDB put together by Jennifer Reif@Neo4j, and was thinking to myself... I sure wish she had done this in python (not particularly because it is my favorite, but more because it is the …


Varnish is a relatively simple, but incredibly powerful web cache system, which can be used to accellerate, to distribute, to optimize performance, and increase resiliency of http traffic. Follow along with me as I attempt to outline Varnish in ELI5 fashion. Centralized to Edge to Hybrid It is fascinating how …

Jupyter Notebooks!

I've enjoyed getting re-acquainted with Jupyter Notebooks, which are a great way to 'walk through' an analysis of data, or just how to get, process, transform, map, or otherwise logically work through a problem. Most commonly Jupyter is used with Python and Pandas, but really it can be used with …


At work we often create logical abstraction layers to connect one platform to one or more data sources, or other platforms. Pipedream is an interesting cloud based services which allows you to create 'workflows' hosted by pipedream. A pipedream workflow takes some trigger (which may include some data), follows 'steps' …


I love learning about new stuff. I'm not you're typical early adopter who wants to turn every knob, and use every new tech they can find. Instead, I like to cut my teeth and learn, and think about how to think about tech. This blog is me dipping my toe …